WARNING! I'm an atheist, and some of what I write here might, well most likely will, offend a religious person, a person of faith, if you will. It's not done with intent, that's just the way it is.

For some reason, religion is generally treated in a special way. Yes, for some reason, folks think that no one should make fun of religion or say anything negative about religion. I see no logic to this. We can say what we want about your favorite football team, the person who you voted for, and so on, but we're supposed to hold our tongue about your faith. Folks, that just doesn't make any sense. Anyway, I felt I would at least warn you. If you are a religious person I would encourage you to read my posts; with an open mind, please. If I say things that aren't true about your religion, please let me know. Leave a comment or send me an email. Would most likely be willing to discuss it with you. Hey, I'm up for learning something new.

Also, keep in mind, that if you are a Christian, my understanding is that you're saying that your god is the only god. Now, if that's true, which I understand it to be, then that of course is a direct insult to every other religion out there. You've said their god isn't the real deal; I'd call that an insult...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Come to Virginia, We'll Let You Kill Your Kid!

Yes, it seems as though the Commonwealth of Virginia will let you let your kid die if you're religious. Yep, talking about no separation of church and state.
This is part of Code of Virginia 63.2-100
“However, no child who in good faith is under treatment solely by spiritual means through prayer in accordance with the tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination shall for that reason alone be considered to be an abused or neglected child.”
All states have provisions to protect children from abuse and neglect. Gosh, Virginia, you have really failed. This is almost 2012 and you have something like this on the books. What does it actually mean?
I'm planning on calling Child Protective Services and the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office over the next couple of weeks and, see if they'll provide any information as to how this works in real life, so to speak.
Yes, folks, I know I have no legal training and shouldn't be so bold as to try to interpret what this means; however, to the guy on the street, yep, that’s me, this really doesn't look good if you're trying to protect children from dying when they don't have to.
It would seem, yes, my interpretation of this code, that if the child is in a household that is clean, has food, and so on, that if the child has a life-threatening disease, and the family, or those responsible for the child’s welfare, just want to pray and not seek medical help, then that is OK.
As an aside, what the hell does, “a recognized church or religious denomination mean?” Recognized by whom? Man oh man, is there any hope for us?

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