WARNING! I'm an atheist, and some of what I write here might, well most likely will, offend a religious person, a person of faith, if you will. It's not done with intent, that's just the way it is.

For some reason, religion is generally treated in a special way. Yes, for some reason, folks think that no one should make fun of religion or say anything negative about religion. I see no logic to this. We can say what we want about your favorite football team, the person who you voted for, and so on, but we're supposed to hold our tongue about your faith. Folks, that just doesn't make any sense. Anyway, I felt I would at least warn you. If you are a religious person I would encourage you to read my posts; with an open mind, please. If I say things that aren't true about your religion, please let me know. Leave a comment or send me an email. Would most likely be willing to discuss it with you. Hey, I'm up for learning something new.

Also, keep in mind, that if you are a Christian, my understanding is that you're saying that your god is the only god. Now, if that's true, which I understand it to be, then that of course is a direct insult to every other religion out there. You've said their god isn't the real deal; I'd call that an insult...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Does the Math Make Sense? Processing Folks for Heaven or Hell... Wow, Sounds Exhausting to Me...

Recently, unless I'm mistaken, I read that the world's population is approaching 9,000,000,000. Wow, that's a large number. Where am I going here? Yes, I know your God (OK, I'll use a capital...) is all powerful and performs miracles and so on. But, let's look at the figures. From Wikipedia it seems that the death rate is expressed in number of deaths per 1,000 per year. “Mortality rate is typically expressed in units of deaths per 1000 individuals per year; thus, a mortality rate of 9.5 in a population of 100,000 would mean 950 deaths per year in that entire population, or 0.95% out of the total.” Also, “The crude death rate, the total number of deaths per year per 1000 people. As of July 2009 the crude death rate for the whole world is about 8.37 per 1000 per year according to the current CIA World Factbook.” OK, I'm going to be conservative. For my example, I'm going to use a world population of 8,000,000,000 and a death rate of 8 people per thousand per year. With me, so far? Now, how many would God have to process in a day? You know, as he sits there and decides whether they go up or down: Heaven or Hell.Follow my math, I surely could be making a mistake somewhere here. OK, 8,000,000,000 X .8 = 640,000,000 deaths per year. Wow, could my math be correct? Dang. Let me check that again...I was wrong. 64,000,000 people die per year.OK. Now, 64.000,000/365=175,342 people that God has to process a day. Wow. How many minutes in a day? 24 *60= 1440 minutes a day or 86,400 seconds a day. Now, let's see. 175,342/86,400=2.03... Now, unless I've made another mistake here, that means that every second of every day, for an eternity, if you will, God has to process 2.03 people. Yes, every second...you up, you down. You Heaven, you Hell. Folks, does that make sense to you? Hey, plus God has all of his other chores. You know, miracles, hurricanes, diseases, well....you know, all of his other Godly duties in ruling the universe. Oh, yeah. That football player, Tebow, hey, God has to look in on him from time to time...and of course he has to talk to several of the Republicans who are running for president. Dang, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. But, of course, He's God. I'm sure he can handle it.
Well, I told my brother about this post. He said that God would have to be checking them in, also. Yes, he said that he'd have to be checking in all of the new births. Wow, I just can't imagine it all. Mercy. I guess old God has a lot of servers for his computers......................

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